Greek Night in the Nikolas House of Glendi, Pastida on Rhodes Island " Glendi " is... more than just " having fun ". It is eating, drinking, singing, dancing and enjoying life to maximum ! At Nikolas House of Glendi every night is an unforgettable experience based on your participation. At the same time, all your questions about Greek culture are answered in the most entertaining and theatrical way !
I love " Zorba "! How can I dance it ? It is not difficult ! First watch the original film choreography by our dancers, and then experiment yourself. And remember; " Zorba " dance is all about fun, friendship and victory over the everyday difficulties. Catch the felling ! What is " Baglamas " ? It looks like a small bouzouki ! Correct ! " Baglamas " is a bouzouki, small enough to be kept hidden. In the Greek 30s, bouzouki was concidered an illegal instrument and the players were sent to jail ! Find out why, in a special " baglamas " show ! At Nikolas House of Glendi the fun never stops ! With us, you are not just a distant viewer, but the most important part of the " glendi ". You make it happen with lots of dancing and singing, eating as much as possible of the greatest Greek mezedes and drinking excellent wines from the barrels or the drinks of your choice from the bar. Now you really know what Greek " glendi " means. Enjoy it at the Nikolas House of Glendi !
Nikolas House is located at a traditional neighborhood in Pastida, a village very close to the city of Rhodes. Before entering, visit the next door traditional Greek houses to admire the architecture, the folk interior design and have a chat with the locals. We will be happy to give you more information at Nikolas House of Glendi in Pastida - For tickets or reservation send us an Email. |